How to Hide Videos in Android Mobile Without any App | Hide Picture | Hide Audio | Hide Document ?
To hide any kind of Media like video,audio,picture,documents, etc, we always use a third party application in our Android mobile phone but there is a special features inside Android mobile phone that we can apply, so we do not need to use such ant type of third party application.
By applying this trick, we will be able to get our media hide and unhide in a simple way.
Step 1 :
First we will open the file manager in our Android smartphone.
Step 2 :
After that, we will cut or move the media that we want to hide from our smartphone, so here we will always keep in mind that we will not copy the media that we want to hide, then it will remain in both places so that media will not be hide.
So after copy the media like video, audio, picture, document etc, we will click on the Internal storage of our phone.
Step 3 :
After that,we will open the "Android" folder in our Android smartphone.
Step 4 :
After that,we will open the "data" folder in our Android smartphone.
Within this data folder, where is the background backup file of all the applications that we have in our smartphone, we will get different folders of all the applications.
Step 5 :
After that we will select the folder in which we have the facility according to our convenient.
Step 6 :
One thing will always be taken care of here, we will never select any type of folder, it will always Create a new folder and paste the media like video, audio, photo, document etc, inside it. After this, these media will not show outside in any folder or gallery or any media application, but we will be able to see this media very easily whenever we come in this folder.
Here we will keep one thing in mind, we will keep our media in the folder of this application, when we want uninstall that application, we will always move our media from that folder, otherwise the media will be deleted.